
The superpower of psychology is stronger than cheap tricks

Copywriter Barbora Jiřincová

Do you want to enter the Czech market?

I am your first choice.

A copywriter fluent in English with a bulletproof Czech and English portfolio.

I also have experience working with clients all over the world.

my principles:

May the force of your story be with them

Dos and don'ts are soon forgotten. The lesson in a story lasts for a lifetime. Stories make people read to the end; stories make them remember; stories fire up their emotions. Whatever I write, the story is king.

The superpower of psychology is stronger than cheap tricks.

We are unaware of emotions, stereotypes in our subconscious, and triggers we barely recognize. How can we, as marketers, leave such a powerful tool on the table?

Life does not fit in a box; think outside of it.

Today's customers have seen it all; they are sick of advertisements and sick of texts not worth reading. Originality is more important than ever before.

my niche

Must a copywriter specialize in one niche?

Well, I can write about different niches and love to learn new things.

But you cannot be the best in everything. Thus, I specialize.

In what? I love to write about the things I love the most.


Copywriting for ski brands, ski shops and ski rentals, ski resorts and more.
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Copywriting for those who make wine, sell wine or love wine.
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Pets and animals

Copywriting in pet care and accesories or animal niche
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Outdoor activities

Copywriting for outdoor brands, camps, canoeing and kayaking brands, hiking trip agencies and more.
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I have skied since I was three years old. I come from the North of the Czech Republic, in the Jizera mountains everybody skis. But since 1997, not a year has passed in which I missed an opportunity to visit my beloved Alps – Austria, Italy, Slovenia, or Switzerland. And then I met my husband, who races in the Ski Masters series, and he drew me into the racing world, where skiers put their whole hearts into their sport.

And since then, my love for skiing and the white mountains around me has only grown.

  • I grew up with a ski resort in my hometown.
  • I learned skiing when I was 3 years old.
  • Wife to a FIS masters ski races.
  • Skiing in the Alps since I was 10 years old every year.
  • Visited all alpine countries, know many ski resorts in Europe.
  • Watch ski sports regularly.

Check my Instagram to see for yourself.

Skiing niche portfolio

At the moment, I have long-term cooperation with a Czech ski rental and have written articles for various Czech ski resorts.

Happy Sport

If your brand has anything to do with skiing, contact me, you are my dream client, and I am your dream copywriter.

Outdoor, water sports, and camping

When the snow melts, I wipe the tears off my cheeks, kiss the skies goodbye (after careful vaxing so that they are happy over the summer) and plan my summer holiday.

outdoor niche portfolio

What do we do in summer?

  • Canoeing
  • Paddleboarding
  • Kayaking
  • Camping
  • Hiking

So, be it a travel destination review and recommendation, sales copy for an outdoor brand, or a website for a camp, I can be your best choice if you work in this niche.


The Czech Republic is a beer country. But, in the southern regions of Moravia, we produce the best wines in Central Europe.

We go on wine-tasting trips yearly, meet the winemakers in person, enjoy our time amongst the vineyards, and explore. Wine fits my curiosity because there is always much to discover. In every wine region, wine brand, in every bottle or sample.

web copywriting

Contact me if you own a wine shop or are a winemaker who wants clear and persuasive texts with a distinct brand voice. We will explore the market possibilities together.

Pets and animals

I have owned a pet for as long as I remember, cats, dogs, hamsters, and turtles.

As a child, I spent a lot of time in the stables, and two broken hands did not stop me from returning.

That being said, I know there are different types of pet owners.

  • Some prefer exotic animals.
  • Some do sports with their pets.
  • Some want a simple, uncomplicated relationship with their pet companion.
  • And some use their animals at work.


As everywhere in copywriting, the pet accessories and care industry must work with different customer archetypes.

I love animals; I appreciate every brand that makes the life of pets and their owners easier and happier.

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