Trust the force of your story

here is mine...

Queen of words
Barbora Jiřincová

I was born in Liberec, Czech Republic.

Born in 1986, I grew up in the tumultuous 1990s.

Then businesses grew, money flew, and the nation was slowly getting used to freedom and democracy after 50 years of Communism.

But the story of Queen of Words starts more than 30 years later.


my values


Whatever happens, the story stays with you.

Dos and don’ts are soon forgotten. The lesson in a story lasts for a lifetime. Stories make people read to the end; stories make them remember; stories fire up their emotions.

Whatever I write, the story is king.


Life does not fit into a textbook.

I work efficiently. I know the theory, but I know when to break all the rules because the project requires me to.

Some people look down upon pragmatic solutions because they are not by the book. I don´t. I understand that life does not fit into a textbook.


Psychology is a superpower.

Psychologists never give up trying to understand what drives us. We are unaware of emotions, stereotypes in our subconscious, and triggers we barely recognize. How can we, as marketers, leave such a powerful tool on the table?


Life does not fit in a box; think outside of it.

Today’s customers have seen it all; they are sick of advertisements and sick of texts not worth reading. Originality is more important than ever before.

my story

Barbora Jiřincová


Barbora Jiřincová

In 2019, I got my Ph.D. in history.

People around me expressed their admiration. Two kids, teaching at the university, many publications, one blog, and an academic degree, what a Wonder Woman I was.

Yet, I did not feel like it.

After 5 years, I reached my goal. And with a sense of horror, I realized that I had never dreamt beyond getting the degree.

On maternity leave, I had time to think for the first time in my life, and darkness crept into the vision ahead. Was I really born to be a scientist? And I came to the sad conclusion that no, this was not me.

queen of words

Yet, how could I change the path I had walked on so single-mindedly for years?

These thoughts started to haunt me, but the pandemics that struck the very same year showed the world that everything can change overnight.

As 2020 revealed to us all that nothing is certain, I had to learn new things. We all did. I created online material for my students, started another blog, and realized that the online world offers many opportunities. I learned about copywriting and discovered that contrary to what I thought, real writers didn’t starve. I wrote some gigs, mainly for free, to gain experience, created another blog, got some paid jobs, and thought about building an online business. But still, I did not give up the academic career I worked so hard to make.


Barbora Jiřincová

We went on a traditional wine-tasting trip with my family. The kids went to bed, and we sat with other guests in the beautifully lit garden of our guesthouse; moonshine shimmered on the swimming pool’s water, and the house owner played guitar and sang. She seemed so happy. And I asked myself, why her and not me? Why could I not have a job I loved so much it made me sing? I knew the answer. She must have been courageous enough to buy a guesthouse and start her business, push it through the pandemic, and still sing with her guests with the COVID crisis far from over.

Dreaming is one thing, but it takes courage to wake up and live your dreams. Was writing my dream? Sure it was. But as I watched the lady with a lovely voice, I suddenly realized that my writing could have an impact, unlike my academic texts. I could help people. People like the owner of an excellent guesthouse who creates such an experience for her guests. People like the wine-makers who sold us this exquisite wine. And that was it. I knew what I wanted and could not go back.

Thus, the brand Queen of Words was born. But beginnings are never easy.

Queen of Words was meant to be a brand for people who wanted to do what they did best. But only some clients liked what I offered. They wanted some quick jobs. Few emails with direct sales. Haphazard blog posts to get traffic from Google. Webpage without proper branding.

I got tired. Was this the dream job? Working like an ass to write lousy texts that I knew would not have any impact?

I knew my copy would not make a difference and would not help my clients, but I still took their money. They got what they wanted, and I got paid.

I burned out; I needed a break. So, we went on a holiday. Skiing in the Alps. Because the Alps can heal every broken heart. Even the heart of a disappointed copywriter.


The snow was wet, and the area had plenty of flat tracks. When the snow is moist, it sticks to the base of your skis, which works like a break. I skied and watched as people around me struggled and used their poles to get moving, but I just floated along them. Because my skis had been vaxed properly.

Every ski expert tells you to vax the bases of your skis regularly, but most people don’t do it. Because most people don’t do things properly, they do just enough. And I realized that this is what makes me different. I never do just enough. I always put my heart into it and passionately give it all. I needed to strike the spark again to succeed in my copywriting career. I set out to craft a mission and decided this to be my trait.

In a world where it is customary to do just enough, I will give it all. Stop writing some words, and only write the right words. Words gilded with the superpower of empathy I knew I had. Words that strike the precise cords in human psyché I have studied before and that I set out to understand even more.

The Queen of Words was reborn.

Turning down offers where I knew I could not deliver the best was scary. To refuse the jobs that would earn money to pay the bills and wait for the better ones. Yet, after a while, I realized I attracted precisely that kind of client—those who trusted the force of the right story and the superpower of psychology. 

As I strove not to compromise my values, I got better clients. Those whose values agreed with mine.

I write marketing texts, devise brand identity, and offer unusual marketing solutions to brands and businesses looking to connect with their ideal customer and explain the worth of their excellent products and services so that they can change the lives of their customers for the better.

My mission is to change the marketing world from a swamp of manipulation and predictable tricks into a helpful and emphatic place where people respect and understand each other. I strive to achieve it by writing texts filled with stories and meaning, using the superpower of psychology, and always looking for new, untrodden paths. I envision a world where people trust what they read and buy what they need.

my dream

To be honest, I have another dream.

A dream of a world without social media.

As a marketer, I realize that social media plays a vital role for some of my clients (sadly, for me).

But I worry about the effects of social media on our society.

And the way social media dilutes and shortens every message scares me.

I will never stop looking for ways to market and get my message across without social media and to reduce the role social media plays in marketing, selling, public debate, and our lives.

I dream that one day, more people will learn to live without them, and those who do not feel comfortable with this mad chase for likes and shares will not be made to join.


will you join me?

My mission is to create a world where brands and businesses gain the trust of their customers again and earn the value their great products and services deserve.

You have a great product and deliver excellent service. Your heart and passion are in your business. Let me help you connect with your customers and make them understand that you can give them what they seek. Don’t waste time and money on techniques they have already seen; use what works in the 21st century. Give up on tricks and manipulation and use the force of a true story.

I have experience and a portfolio to show. I am passionate about helping brands and freelancers who are passionate about their businesses. Trust in the force of the right words, the superpower of psychology, and the truth in your story. May the force of your story be with them.


The Rebel History

My website for history lovers.
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Culture Frontier

History articles for a magazine with ambition
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Branding, mission and values for a client with tradition.
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Rugmam Tea

A client who understands that just enough is not enough.
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The Vacation Muse

The cooperation started with articles on ski resorts but continued with other European sights and travel destinations
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The Collector

The assignment is to use my expertise and knowledge but make the articles readable for non-historians.
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Queen of Words

My website is my showroom. Everything around here is a reflection of the brand voice I have crafted.
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Ford - localisation

From English to Czech. Localizing the texts directly or proofreading other´s work.
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Sazka Radar

I have localized all the texts on the i-gaming website.
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Zuzana is a talented wedding and advertising photographer from Liberec.
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my projects


Services: Branding, Website copywriting, E-mail marketing, Marketing consultation, Localisation

Zuzana is a talented wedding and advertising photographer from Liberec.

I have written English and Czech texts for her website, crafted a brand voice manual, and written an email for her potential clients.

I have known Zuzana since the third grade, so the job was relatively easy. My recommendation for copy-beginners? Find a client you know as well as yourself. And craft their brand voice for them. You learn how to do it. And then you can step into the deeper untested waters and work with other clients.

Do you want your customers to fall in love with you?
You need to define your values and mission.
You need to have a captivating brand origin story.
I do that.
I did that for my client.
A talented photographer and videographer who has already collected awards and presented her photos at various exhibitions.

This brand voice guide delivers it all.
And I managed to get her completely:

“Barbora understood my brand and my mission more than I did. During the branding interview, she asked the right questions and managed to put my vision into words. I get goosebumps reading the brand voice guide. Because it is me, she described the vision I did not know I had.”
Zuzana Fajmonová


Brand Voice Guide
finger, touch, businessman-2956974.jpg
Email with an offer

With Zuzana I have arranged a long-term cooperation. How does it work?

Sometimes I write brand-new texts for her.

The other times she writes the texts herself (according to the BVG), and I edit them later.

There is significant variability in how a copywriter can work with you.

We will find a model that suits us both.

Barbora wrote excellent texts for my web. Not only for the Czech but the English version as well. I needed to polish the content, correct some mistakes and structure the text to be readable and comprehensive for the customers. I am delighted with the English version. I used translation plugins, but they cannot replace a human translator. Barbora brought a new touch to English texts! I recommend her services and will gladly use them in the future.
Zuzana Fajmonová


Services: Branding, Website copywriting

For a Czech company Svorto I have devised a brand identity, brand origin story and written an about us page.

Very nice and honest approach. Barbora and I agreed on all the little things, she was inquisitive and then very consistent when writing the text. The proofreading went very smoothly and the overall result exactly corresponded to my idea. 5 stars!
Jan Nováček
E-shop manager

Rugmam tea

Services: Branding, Website copywriting,  Blog writing

The cooperation with the Rugmam Tea brand is a dream project. You rarely meet a client whose values are so aligned with yours. A client with a clear mission, a fantastic story, and a deep desire to do things passionately and change the world for the better. A client who understands that just enough is not enough.

I got to craft:
  • The story
  • Mission
  • Values
  • Tagline
  • Instagram Bio
  • Instagram posts
  • Texts for the website.
  • Blog posts.
Barbora understands your requirement and then writes to suit your input with valuable suggestions. She meets the dealines set.
Anita Rana Sharma
Business Owner


Services: Localisation, translation

Through a marketing agency Croud I have been localizing texts for automobile brand Ford. From English to Czech. Localizing the texts directly or proofreading other´s work.

sazka radar

Services: Localisation, translation

For the e-gaming and affiliate websites, I have localized all the texts on the website, including the microcopy.

What I love about this project is that the client truly wanted to provide honest information for the gamers.

It is essential in the boom of the i-gaming industry in Central Europe.

Although i-gaming is a little shady, when people indulge in it, it is better to be safe than sorry.

I have localized all the texts for the website and written reviews in Czech.

To write the reviews, I had to go through all the possible reviews and even the small print to ensure the i-gaming services did not mislead the gamers.

queen of words

Services: Branding, Website copywriting,  Blog writing

My website is my showroom. Everything around here is a reflection of the brand voice I have crafted.

Go through this document.

And then see for yourself and look for the traces around the web.

I can craft your brand voice as well.

I will need to know much about you, your brand, your story, and your customers.

But a distinct brand voice is a must in today’s marketing.

The collector

Services: Article writing

I am a studied historian. So, I was thrilled when I could write for this magazine. The assignment is to use my expertise and knowledge but make the articles readable for non-historians. My long-term mission is to inspire people to learn about history all their lives. And here, I can dive deep into the mission.

Here is a link to some of my articles:

And my editor-in-chief seems to be also very happy with my job.

Great storyteller with a brilliant sense of humor.
The Collector
Alice Bennett
Editor - The Collector

The Vacation Muse

Services: Article writing

As a fervent skier, I could not resist the offer to write about the Alpine skiing regions for travelers outside of Europe.

The cooperation started with articles on Val Gardena and Hinterstoder but continued with other European sights and travel destinations.

Barbora has written a few articles for me and they have been tremendous. She definitely exceeded my expectations !
Deon Mitchel
Editor, The Vacation Muse

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